10 New Year’s Resolutions Every Golfer Should Make

Date Published: 03/01/2023

If you’re going to set new year’s resolutions, you might as well make them relate to golf. This is especially applicable if you’re just starting out or an enthusiastic casual player.

A collection of tips, suggestions and self-improvements, here are just some of the new year’s resolutions every golfer should take with them into 2023.

1. Hit the Course Often

Let’s start with an easy resolution to make. The best way to get better at golf is, well, to play more golf. The driving range is fun and provides a great way to blow off steam and practise your swing, but getting onto the course is a major part of golf. Make it a part of your new year’s plans to head out on the grass and start chipping away at any nerves.

2. Embrace Your Emotions, But Don’t Be Driven by Them

Every sport brings the highs and the lows. Celebrate when you’ve played a great round, but don’t promise free drinks to everyone in the clubhouse. Also feel the frustration on the days when nothing goes right, but don’t break your golf clubs over it. Do this and you’ll be set for some of the best experiences you can have on the course. 

3. Don’t Let Bad Days Dampen Your Motivation

Going into 2023 and expecting every round of golf to be amazing is likely to end in disappointment. Be careful to avoid falling into this new year’s resolution motivation trap. Bad days will happen. The best thing you can do is learn from them. Take your progress with a slow and steady approach and your long-term game will thank you for it.

4. Play a Solo Game

Golf is a great way to tick both the “sport” and “social” boxes at the same time.  But there’s something special about going to the course by yourself. If you think it’s lonely or boring, try it – you’ll probably think again.

But don’t forget…….if you’re looking to lower you’re handicap and wanting to submit a counting score, always remember that this must done playing alongside another iGolfer or club member who is signed up to the app and can attest your score. 

5. Make a Habit of Good Golf Etiquette

There are rules to golf, and then there’s etiquette. Practising good golf etiquette sets the stage for a pleasant round and an enjoyable experience. Become familiar with the small nuanced golfing courtesies like keeping your shadow out of view or avoiding someone else’s line. The more you play, the more you’ll get to know what behaviour you (and others) appreciate from fellow golfers.

6. Trying to Improve? Play When You Don’t Feel Like It

There will be days when you just don’t feel like the commitment of picking up your golf clubs and heading out for a game. It’s on those days, however, that the best thing to do is play a round. Playing even 9 holes offers substantial benefits for your mood, health, sleep, stress levels and, of course, your overall game. 

7.. Visit Different Clubs

In the same way that a solo round of golf can offer a different social experience, playing a round at a different club can offer a surprising challenge to your game.  By going to a different club, you face different scenarios and get to know other golfers. It may feel a bit daunting, but it’s worth the initial nerves in order to round out your game and learn a new thing or two.

8. Read up on Golf

A little bit of theory goes a long way. Reading up on golf and becoming book-savvy can help translate to knowledge on the course.  Basically, getting to talk the talk will help you walk the walk. A good start is our ultimate glossary of all things golfing.

9. Try out iGolf

Designed for non-club members, the platform allows you to track your golfing progress, boosting confidence on the course without any upfront commitment to a club.

Accessed by downloading the My EG app, iGolf is a subscription-based platform launched by England Golf. iGolf makes it possible to obtain an official handicap index under the WHS.

Simply sign up, download the My EG app and login with your membership number and password to gain access to the iGolf platform.

The benefits of iGolf:

There are a range of benefits you receive when subscribing to iGolf.

  • A complete digital history of your golf handicap and scores over time
  • Keep track of your progression 
  • Easy sign-up process
  • £46 for a 12-month subscription
  • For peace of mind, public liability insurance is included in each subscription