Golf Insurance – Public Liability Cover

England Golf has partnered with Marsh Sport, underwritten by Burns and Wilcox Ltd, to provide members of affiliated golf clubs in England and iGolf subscribers with public liability insurance. With nearly 700,000 people playing golf at least twice a month throughout England, insurance is a benefit that can provide peace of mind. 

Accidents happen, and unfortunately this applies to the golf course too. Whether this is damaged equipment, injury, or even the rare hole-in-one, golf insurance provides cover for unforeseen costs.

England Golf provides iGolf subscribers and members of all affiliated golf clubs in England with public liability insurance. With just over 1 million people playing golf throughout England in 2022, insurance is a benefit that provides peace of mind and allows you to play your best game.

As an iGolf subscriber, what does liability insurance cover?

You receive the same insurance cover as a member of any golf club would. This insurance provides protection against third party injury or damage to third party property. In practical terms, this means that if you were to cause injury to another person or inflict damage to third-party property whilst playing, you are protected should negligence be proven. 

Visit the England Golf Insurance Zone to find out more.

Am I personally liable for anything if an incident occurs?

When an injury claim is made, an iGolf subscriber or England Golf affiliated member is fully covered for the cost of any expenses (including legal fees), up to £10,000,000. Should a claim be made for damage done to third-party property, the subscriber or member is liable for the first £500 of the claim (there is no excess for third party injury).

Which courses fall under my insurance coverage?

Golf courses in the UK, Channel Islands, or Isle of Man are all covered by the insurance provided as an iGolf subscriber or a golf club member. This includes any recognised practice facilities. However, the cover is dependent on each person having travel insurance for that holiday (if multiple people are part of the trip). The cover you receive also extends to any golf trips no longer than 28 days worldwide, excluding the USA and Canada.

How can I make a claim?

iGolf subscribers will be able to access their iGolf insurance details via the MyEG app and web platform. The insurance portal will contain the user’s policy details, information on how to make a claim, and answers to other frequently asked questions.

What does iGolf insurance NOT cover?

iGolf liability cover provides insurance for a number of situations, but it does not extend to the following areas:

  • Third party property damage with claims of below the policy excess of £500
  • Third party claims where negligence cannot be proven
  • Loss or damage to own golf equipment
  • Personal injury/accidents to yourself

These are some, but not all, of the exclusion highlights. As with any insurance policy it is important to read and understand all terms and conditions of the policy.

Though the above areas are not part of the base liability insurance package provided, golfers can choose to add additional insurance benefits.

How can I add to the Liability Insurance already provided through the partnership between England Golf and Marsh Sport?

One of the key reasons the partnership England Golf has with Marsh Sport benefits so many golfers up and down the country is because there are a number of additional optional coverage benefits golfers have to choose from, when adding to their liability insurance. 

The aptly named ‘Par’, ‘Birdie’, ‘Eagle’ and ‘Albatross’ packages fall under the My Golf Insurance that Marsh Sport offers (underwritten by Chubb) and has been designed exclusively to complement the liability insurance provided by your iGolf subscription. Golfers of course can still procure their own alternative separate insurance if desired.


Par Birdie Eagle Albatross
Annual Premium  £19.04 £22.04 £28.00 £33.60
Golf Equipment Up to £1,000 Up to £2,000 Up to £3,500 Up to £5,000
Personal Accident Accidental Death £25,000

Permanent Disablement up to £25,000

Concussion up to £250

Home and Car adaptation up to £1,500

Accidental Death £50,000

Permanent Disablement up to £50,000

Concussion up to £250

Home/Car adaptation up to £1,500

Dental benefit up to £500

Optical benefit up to £250

Reimbursement of Club Subscriptions up to £750

Accidental Death £50,000

Permanent Disablement up to £50,000

Concussion up to £250

Home/Car adaptation up to £5,000

Dental benefit up to £500

Optical benefit up to £250

Reimbursement of Club Subscriptions up to £1,500

Hospital Stay £30 per day

Accidental Death £50,000

Permanent Disablement up to £50,000

Concussion up to £250

Home/Car adaptation up to £5,000

Dental benefit up to £500

Optical benefit up to £250

Reimbursement of Club Subscriptions up to £1,500

Hospital Stay £30 per day

Public Liability* USA and Canada up to £5 Million

UK (Property damage only) up to £500

USA and Canada up to £5 Million

UK (Property damage only) up to £500

USA and Canada up to £5 Million

UK (Property damage only) up to £500

USA and Canada up to £5 Million

UK (Property damage only) up to £500

Hole in One Up to £50 Up to £100 Up to £200 Up to £200


*The Public Liability Insurance offered through the My Golf packages complement the £10,000,000 Liability insurance already provided through an iGolf subscription.

Of course, all insurance policies are subject to terms, condition and exclusions. For more information, visit the Marsh Sport Website.

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The safest benefit of an iGolf Subscription

Whilst we all hope we never have to make a claim from an incident that occurs on the golf course, it’s always good to know how you’re covered and how to make a claim should you need to do so.

At the heart of the iGolf platform is ensuring that subscribers are protected every time they step onto the 1st tee.  Providing cover to over 14,000 iGolf subscribers has allowed the membership to continually grow, and what better time to join the platform than now, with the summer months fast approaching.

To find out more about the iGolf subscription please visit 

Marsh Sport is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference No. 307511). Registered in England and Wales Number: 1507274. Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London EC3R 5BU.