Unfortunately, our 30-day free trial is currently unavailable, however, we’d still like to invite you to explore the incredible benefits of an iGolf subscription.
iGolf subscribers can enjoy access to a range of benefits including the ability to gain a Handicap Index® and access MyStats on the MyEG App, and receiving public liability insurance.
Discover the advantages of an iGolf subscription by visiting our dedicated page on subscriber benefits:
Explore iGolf Subscriber Benefits
We look forward to welcoming you as an iGolf subscriber.
Access To The MyEG App
An iGolf subscription provides you with instant access to the ‘MyEG’ app. Using the app (available on both IOS and Android devices), golfers can enjoy the following benefits:
You can learn more about the MyEG App here
How To Get a Handicap Index®?
To gain a Handicap Index® you must submit acceptable scores from 54 holes, made up of either 9- or 18-hole rounds, over any affiliated course that has been rated in Great Britain and Ireland.
Important information on how to obtain and maintain your Handicap Index® through iGolf can be found here.
Join iGolf Today
Why not join the thousands of golfers who have already signed up to iGolf?